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Daily Devotional – URGENTLY

By January 18, 2017Daily Devotionals


Prayer: Please help us to be conscious of our decisions and the way we use the time You have given us. Please let us shine for You, Jesus, and please bring our students and co-workers to love Your Father. Thank You, Amen.

Scripture: Preach the Word; be urgent in season and out of season; convince, rebuke, and exhort, be unfailing in patience and in teaching. 2 Timothy 4:2 RSV

Today, I wish to focus on the first of three attributes that became my motto, a sort of “battle-cry” for my life. After all that God had carried me through, and because I was feeling blessed to just live another day, I pledged to live life urgently, desperately, and deliberately for Christ. Having survived several difficult times through the grace of God, I adopted this mentality.

Many of you may be someone—or at least may know someone—who has been given a second chance at life, having escaped death, or some other tragedy. This survivor’s mentality does not take a single day for granted, and it certainly does not take tomorrow for granted. Procrastination is not an option and proper priorities are re-established.

When you think of it, all Christians should have this “survivor’s mentality.” We were all terminal, headed for a death that included eternal punishment and separation from God. Through His great grace and mercy we have been given a second chance, an eternal chance. We should all be living life as if we have just escaped death, because we have.

What are you putting off that needs to be done today? Live life urgently. How can each of us carry out the attribute of living urgently in our daily environment (classroom, hallways, meetings, cafeteria, office, etc.)?

Copyright Kathy Branzell. Email [email protected]