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Daily Devotional – LIMITED TIME ONLY

By April 27, 2017Daily Devotionals


Prayer: Dear Lord, Please show me if there is anything on Your heart for me to do without delay.

Scripture: How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone. Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it. James 4:14 & 17 NLT

We see this advertising ploy all the time. “Limited time only.” The hype is to get your attention and then urge you to act quickly – even immediately – so that you don’t miss out.

So imagine the thought process that led to this devotion when my son pulled the “limited time only” sticker off the new larger Cheetos bag and stuck it on his forehead. My husband looked at me and said, “I know a devotion is brewing in that head of yours.” Indeed it was.

We only have our children for a “limited time only.” You only have your students for a limited time. We have dozens of “limited time only” experiences with people at the grocery store, parents of our students, visitors at church, and people standing in line at the bank or movies. What do we do with that limited time?

Do we seize the moment, make the most of it, pour our energy into those that God has placed before us in an urgent response knowing that if we hesitate, that time and opportunity will slip through our hands and be gone? We hope to have a full school year with our students, but I beg you not to wait. Families move; students drop out; or worse, many of you will have to deal with the death of a student in your school.

Tomorrow is not certain; we live a “limited time only” life.

Have you been hesitant to give encouragement or plant some seeds of God’s love in another?

Imagine your students today with “limited time only” stickers on their foreheads. What will you do to seize the moment? My prayer for you this week is that you would “act now, while there is still time.”

Copyright Kathy Branzell. Email [email protected].