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By August 25, 2017Daily Devotionals

August 25, 2017

Prayer:  We set our hearts to please You, Lord, most of all.  We want to live for You alone.

Scripture:  So we make it our goal to please Him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it 2Corinthians 5:9 NIV

As educators, we are used to writing goals. In today’s Scripture verse, Paul tells us clearly what our first goal should be – pleasing God. It is very hard for us to understand that God loves us. Nothing we do will make Him love us more or less. Please do not confuse love with being pleased. So what can we do to please Him? If you have not read Rick Warren’s book, The Purpose Driven Life, I highly recommend it. I have read through it several times and am amazed to find new insights every time. Rick Warren writes about five basic things for which we are purposed – Worshipping God, Discipleship, Service, Ministry, & Missions. Worship, prayer, praise, studying the Bible, serving others, using your gifts in ministry, and witnessing to others all fall into these categories. Remember, these do not earn salvation; they are a desire in your heart as a result of your salvation.

In looking ahead to these next months, what are your goals? Along with your lesson plans, what “lesson plans for life” will you teach? What will you do to please God? What have you done in the past weeks that pleased Him? Is there something He has placed on your heart to do but you have been putting off? Is there a student or a coworker who needs extra love, understanding or patience? Every unselfish gesture, kindness, humility, and every act of Christ-likeness is pleasing.

Please take the next few minutes to set at least one goal and share it with a friend, if you are comfortable doing so. Please take the next week to write down ten goals for this year. It is essential that you write them down and keep them where you see them once in awhile like in your planning book or in your top desk drawer.

One educator last year posted her goals as her computer screen saver and she reported that she achieved all ten by June.

Ask God to show you His goals for you, and then set to work obeying Him.

Copyright Kathy Branzell.  Email [email protected]