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By August 21, 2017Daily Devotionals


Prayer:  Lord help us to love and support our fellow teachers and students as we go about each day.

Scripture:  Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2 NIV

Do you know someone right now who is carrying a burden? Are YOU heavy-hearted right now? God gave us a great gift in one another, the gift of support. We should turn to fellow Christians in their time (or our time) of need. There is no greater compliment you can pay someone than to say “I am praying for you.” There are many ways to be supportive. How can you carry out the attribute of being supportive in your daily environment (classroom, hallways, meetings, cafeteria, office, etc.)?

Copyright Kathy Branzell. Email [email protected]