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By March 20, 2020March 21st, 2020Daily Devotionals

March 20, 2020

Prayer: Pray for Christian educators to have the joy of the Lord today.  What can ever happen to us that we need to worry??

Scripture: I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die like everyone else, will live again. John 11:25 NLT

How was your day yesterday? Did you worry? Are you facing something that causes you fear or apprehension? Many people worry about many things these days. Even persons who associate themselves with Christian churches and groups find themselves, sometimes ‘fretting’ about how things seem to be turning out. It surprises me when– even after years of studying the Bible, learning from excellent Christian teachers, even preaching the Gospel and discipling others in Christ myself– I find myself worrying and stewing over things that have happened to me or have NOT happened? I know better, I just have to ask the Lord to give me the grace of focus so I can REMEMBER that I know better.

If you are living in Christ, there is nothing to worry over– because eternity is in your grasp and has already begun. We have the Lord’s own word on this that even after the body dies our real inner beings go on in relationship with the Creator and Lord of all for eternity. Such a lifting thought will raise me up over any difficult circumstance I might ever face. How about you? If we only can remember to focus our days on Him and not ourselves then His joy characterizes our lives now and always. You can be living in ‘forever joy!’

Copyright Dan Elliott.  Email [email protected]