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Thanksgiving Perspective

By November 25, 2020SavED by Grace
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Thanksgiving Perspective

By Donald Clark

Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. (Psalm 100:4)

I picked up Dr. Mella Davis at the airport recently. She was a past CEAI National Educator of the Year. She taught French and English at a local public high school. She’s the founder and director of Teachers of the Nations, a mission begun in 2012 in resettlement and squatters’ camps in Worcester, South Africa. This mission enriches the lives of girls living in abject poverty with the wealth of Jesus’ provision, love, and truth. Every time I’m in Mella’s presence, I am transported into two worlds —the Kingdom of God and South Africa. 

Mella told me these facts about the public elementary school the girls attend.

  • 1200-1400 student population which is way beyond building capacity
  • 40 students per class
  • principal and associate principal teach four or more class periods each day
  • no designated PE, art, music, or special education classes or teachers
  • no library or cafeteria—students are released to playground for 20 minutes for lunch—most spend fifty cents to buy a bag of chips, candy, and high fructose corn-syrup drink from community vendors 
  • no heating or air conditioning—temperatures vary from 20 to 105 degrees—students wear multiple layers of clothing in winter to stay warm
  • no computers, iPads, or smart boards 
  • older girls miss an average of 30 school days per year because of the lack of sanitary supplies 
  • 33% is the score needed to pass the final grade level competency exams
  • no free buses—students must pay for bus or walk 10 to 40 minutes to school through gang infested neighborhoods

Listening to Mella improves my tunnel vision. She helps me see in 3D—my perspective, her perspective and Jesus’ perspective. Seeing in 3D makes me so thankful for what we have in this country and it opens my heart to help those in need elsewhere. In the midst of the current pandemic and its effect on education, nearsighted educators focus on the negative—what we don’t have and what we can’t do. Farsighted educators are anxious and fearful about possible COVID-19 outbreaks and state accountability test scores coming in the spring.

We are at a crossroads in education right now. Do you see Jesus standing near you? Is He behind, beside, in front of, or carrying you? He is reciting to every educator who listens, Enter His schools with thanksgiving and His classrooms with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name (Psalm 100:4)! Abba’s schools and classrooms doors are gates to heaven on earth.

He is also saying, Be careful, he/she who takes things for granted, takes credit for things achieved, and does not pass forward blessings received, is in danger of losing these things, achievements, and blessings.

When was the last time you thanked God for your school’s heating and air conditioning, technology, class size, support personnel, full-time administrators, library, cafeteria, and free healthy lunch for children whose families can’t afford it?

Too often, the cries of educators are, “MORE! MORE! MORE! We need MORE money, MORE technology, MORE programs, MORE personnel, MORE training, and MORE improvement of test scores!” when they should be, “Lord, thank you for what we have! We give you the glory for it! What’s next?” 

We get focused on what we or others want in education for ourselves and lose sight of what Jesus wants. He’s the only one who can heal our tunnel vision and our near and farsightedness. Only He can give us 20-20 spiritual vision.

I invite you, each time you walk into school, to thank God aloud for three or more things about your school. I also invite you, each day when you walk through your classroom or office door, to thank God aloud for three things about your office or classroom. I invite you to give God glory and credit for success and achievement in education. I invite you to start each class by having three students each share one thing they are thankful for. 

Against all these things there is no law (Gal. 5:28) Enter His schools with thanksgiving and praise!

PRAYER: Jesus, forgive us for taking things for granted, taking credit for what you’ve done and not passing our blessings forward. Help us enter your schools, no matter the circumstances, with thanksgiving and praise and to give you credit for successes.

Donald Clark is a thirty-three-year public educator of special needs students. He is the founder of the CEAI Houston Area Network and has been its Director for over twenty years. He has received the Texas Lifetime Achievement Award from the HEB Excellence in Education program and has received a state congressional commendation for his work with youth and educators.  He has written numerous collections of educator devotionals such as Teacher Take Courage!, The Carpenter’s Classroom and Get Off the Bus. He has been published in the Teachers of Vision magazine and his work featured in Around the Word in 180 Days. He recently launched a new book, Peemail–Pet’s Healing Power, which is available on Amazon.

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