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WORRY FREE – 02/26/2021

By February 26, 2021Daily Devotionals

February 26, 2021

Prayer: Lord, may we learn to truly leave our worries with You and use the wonderful health and energy You give us for the task at hand.

Scripture: “I tell you this: Do not worry about your life. Do not worry about what you are going to eat and drink. Do not worry about what you are going to wear. Is not life more important than food? Is not the body more important than clothes? Matthew 6:25 NLV

Anyone who has ever thought that becoming a Christian would take away all of their troubles should be introduced to this verse.

I have always believed that God has a sense of humor and this verse is proof. Not only are we not protected from troubles invading our lives, but we are pretty much warned that we will have them on a daily basis. How do we benefit as Christians? God knows what we need well before the need is brought to our attention and He has the situation in control. God never says, “I didn’t see that coming,” or “I cannot believe that just happened.” He sees it coming from more than a mile away, even centuries away.

How many days have you wasted worrying about something that never came to pass? How many nights of sleep have you lost to worry and your worrying did not change a thing?

We miss the opportunities of today by worrying about the “what ifs” of tomorrow. We even put off the responsibilities of today because we are too tired from worrying or cannot think clearly enough to complete them.

What worry is weighing you down? Stop now and take it to the feet of God and leave it at His feet. Focus on today. What needs to get done? What have you been putting off? If the list is overwhelming, write them down and prioritize, but do not delay. We miss God’s blessings of peace and power every time we worry instead of praying and leaving our concerns in His hands.

How hard is it to leave our worries with God and not take them back with us when we say, “Amen?” Stay focused on the day that God has equipped you for and placed you in. Trust God with each and every day and with each and every situation.

My prayer for you this week is that you would know that today’s trouble is enough for today but never too much for our God.

Copyright Kathy Branzell.  Email [email protected]