Educator Sunday
Pray for Schools is a coalition of Christian ministries calling the body of Christ in America to do three things: Inspire your church with resources to pray for students, teachers,...
Pray for Schools is a coalition of Christian ministries calling the body of Christ in America to do three things: Inspire your church with resources to pray for students, teachers,...
SYATP 2018 is Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Mark your calendars and invite your colleagues to this special time of encouraging, equipping and empowering educators in the public schools. RSVPs will be accepted beginning July 1, 2018. Be...
We are inviting 25 nominated educators to participate in a “think tank” focused on how to transform public schools through God’s love and truth.
Guest Speaker: (Our CEAI treasurer) Eli Rodriguez (Praise Music with the McMahon Family) Eli shares: “My wife, Madeline and I thank God that we made the decision to attend...
LIFT America gatherings are designed to gather, encourage, empower and equip Christian educators who work in communities all across America. As we gather, worship and pray together, we discover we...
Meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Light refreshments provided. Bring a friend. Encouraging, Equipping, and Empowering Christian Educators in K-12 public, charter, and private schools.
LIFT America gatherings are designed to gather, encourage, empower and equip Christian educators who work in communities all across America. As we gather, worship and pray together, we discover we...
Living Out Your Faith @ School What’s Legal? What Works? Keynote: Finn Laursen, Christian Educators Association International (CEAI), Educational Consultant Finn takes for granted that we are all full-time missionaries,...
LIFT America gatherings are designed to gather, encourage, empower and equip Christian educators who work in communities all across America. As we gather, worship and pray together, we discover we...