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TOV Resources

By April 25, 2022May 2nd, 2022TOV Resources



Religious Liberties in Public Schools

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Short Video

What Can We Do As Christian Public School Educators?

As Christian public school educators, we've all heard about the separation of church and state. Many of us would like to walk out our faith more openly, but live in fear of breaking the law and suffering the consequences. We know there are things we can't do. But doesn't the Constitution protect our rights as well? What can we do?

In fact, there are many ways to walk out our faith in public schools without breaking the law. In this brief video, you will be introduced to the many things we can do. After watching, be sure to share it with your colleagues.


Teach with Faith (not Fear)

Where are the legal lines drawn for public school educators? Can we tell our students about our faith? How do we handle difficult issues like gender, sexuality, and race? Learn the key federal law that sets those boundaries and how it applies in specific situations in the classroom so you can shine your light with confidence.

Rise Up Session

How to Reach More Students with Christian Clubs (with David Schmus)

Are you curious about Christian groups, clubs, and campus ministry? In this encore session from Rise Up 2019, David shares how you can use these extracurricular opportunities to spread the Good News across your public school campus.