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Daily Devotional – LITTLE MIRACLES

By May 24, 2017Daily Devotionals


Prayer: Dear Lord, We ask for Your help today to see how special to You are those around us. Thank You in advance for Your help this day. Amen.

Scripture: Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14 NIV

While at a conference, one of the speakers referred to children as “Little Miracles.” How sweet, I thought, they are miracles – every one of them. She talked about their innocence, their ability to marvel at simple things, their compassion and sweet smiles.

I am just going to pause there for a moment while you take a look around the room at each other’s expressions on your face. It is mid-May, and I imagine the magic of the first day of school wore off a few weeks, maybe even months ago. When I mention the words children and little miracles in the same sentence, did you roll your eyes, shake your head, or laugh out loud? It is okay to admit it if you did and, besides, everyone else in the room witnessed it.

Now this sweet lady had just had a few children visiting her and her husband on their ranch where there is no television or video games. They were with their parents who were some of the greatest physicians in the United States and were chosen to come as an honor to this ranch meeting. These children were seeing ranch-life for the first time and had her undivided attention while she was in charge of entertaining all ten of them for a couple of hours or so. I think the odds were in her favor, how about you?

If you had a class of children like these, no more than ten of them, for a few hours to let them experience something completely new, I think we could easily have a Norman Rockwell moment, too. But something in me wanted to capture her passion and compassion to carry with me and share with you all year long.

After lunch I pulled up a chair to talk with her for a few minutes. Turns out she was once a teacher and her daddy was a preacher. She had not always had an easy life with great abundance like she does now, but she has always had a heart for children. “They are little miracles,” she repeated. “Each one of them is special and full of wonder with an amazing future ahead of him/her… if we just persevere and equip them. Some need more love and patience than others. Some need more time and creative ways to learn but there is no such thing as hopeless children.”

She was right. I believe as adults we forget the magic of our childhood years. We give up hope too soon and tend to forget that we became educators to have a significant impact on hundreds or even thousands of lives during our career. We have to keep a watch on our hearts and focus on the miracle that God has placed in our paths. We must trudge through the tough times and tough exteriors to reach deep into them and complete the task God has given us for this year and beyond. Look into their eyes. Dig deep into your hearts to find the magic of your first day of teaching, which is still in you. Go and prepare them for the rest of their lives. If you put your heart into it, you just might prepare them for eternity. My prayer for you is that you would continue to see “Little Miracles.”

Copyright Kathy Branzell. Email [email protected]