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By August 29, 2017Daily Devotionals

August 29, 2017

Prayer: Oh Lord, thank You for the excitement of these first days!  We trust You for the days when storms crash upon us.  Please lead us to rest our hearts in You during the times of calm so that we can have the strength for other times.  Thank you.  Amen.

Scripture: He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.  Psalm 107:29 NIV

The first day of school dawned bright and clear. Buses ran their routes with few complications. Parents dropped off their youngsters, and walkers and bike riders arrived at school safely. Normal first day excitement prevailed. The day progressed with few hitches. Shortly before dismissal, teachers took the students outside to explain the end-of-day procedures – bus positions, walking area, and car pick-ups.

Suddenly the sky darkened. A storm developed rapidly sending everyone rushing inside. First day excitement turned to anxiety. Tornado sirens blared while teachers gave instructions and moved children into proper positions. Wind and rain lashed at tree and buildings. Students remained in safety position for more than thirty minutes. Parents calling school encountered dead phone lines. Some driving in town found blocked streets.

Gradually, the storms subsided, and, praise God, everyone was safe. Two hours after normal dismissal time, all students were finally heading home.

Sudden storms may hit your school or classroom this year. Perhaps the death of a staff member, parent, or even a child. A devastating home fire.

As you enter your building each day, ask God for His protection and also for His wisdom in handling those unexpected storms.

Copyright Joyce Anne Munn

One Comment

  • Sherree says:

    So thankful that the Lord is faithful and we can trust Him to walk with us through each day at SCA