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By September 11, 2017Daily Devotionals

September 11, 2017

Prayer:  We pray that we will abound with deeds that meet many needs and plant seeds wherever God leads. 

Scripture: Now in Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha (which translated in Greek is called Dorcas ); this woman was abounding with deeds of kindness and charity which she continually did. Acts 9: 36 NAS

Tabitha was well loved in her community. Scripture tells us that she was kind and charitable to many; so much that there was a plea to Peter to come to Joppa when she fell ill and died. Peter came and prayed and God raised her from the dead. How wonderful to be thought of in such a way that your community or campus just feels that they cannot go on without you.

If this statement was written about you, what it would say. Now in your state and your town there was a disciple named (state your name) that was abounding in ____________________, which he/she continually did.

Where do you make your mark? What are you known for? What do students say about you? What do your co-workers say? What do you say about yourself? Is it positive or negative? Do you find yourself wishing you were abounding in something different? What is stopping you?

Remember where Scripture tells us that God has prepared a purpose and path for us and put His Spirit in us as His pledge?  What needs to abound in us to follow through?

Copyright Kathy Branzell. Email [email protected]