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By November 1, 2017November 2nd, 2017Daily Devotionals

November 1, 2017

Prayer: “We ask You, Lord, to continue Your cleansing work in our hearts and lives. We want to be shining stars for You in our school and culture.   Thank You for loving us so much. Amen.  

Scripture: Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy. Proverbs 28:13 NIV

If you have ever owned a shower with glass walls, you know the importance of using the squeegee after each shower to keep the glass clean and clear. If you do not clean the glass after each shower you end up with a thick scum that is difficult to see through and much more difficult to clean than if it had been taken care of daily.

The same is true for our hearts. Daily sin builds up on the walls of our heart and blocks our vision of God and His plan and purpose for our lives. Daily confession squeegees off the sinful residue and prevents destructive build-up that is much more difficult to deal with over time.

How can we help our students to see that living a life of good character is important daily? Do we overlook small changes in attitude or misbehaviors because we are too busy or do not want to “deal with it” – only to have to deal with much bigger problems in the days ahead? How can we help them to keep their lives clean? How can we encourage honest confession of any wrong doing? Are the consequences set up at your school for a lighter punishment if students are forthcoming about a wrongdoing instead of trying to lie and cover up their involvement? How can we encourage confession in their daily lives as well as our own?

Copyright Kathy Branzell.  Email [email protected]

One Comment

  • Toni says:

    Excellent analogy, Kathy! And again, exactly what my wayward heart needed to hear at this moment. God’s timing is truly amazing!
    Thank you! Blessings on your day!