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By November 2, 2017Daily Devotionals

November 2, 2017

Prayer: Dear Lord, Today we want to run after what is important to Your heart.

Scripture: But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are so upset over all these details!  There is really only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it—and I won’t take it away from her.” Luke 10:41-42NLT

Are you a “Martha”– always busily buzzing about getting things done and working yourself to a frazzle, even fussing because others are not working as hard as you think you are?  I must confess that often, I am. You know the story in the Gospels where Jesus was teaching at the home of Lazarus, Martha and Mary.  Mary, the younger sister was sitting and listening intently to Jesus teach, while Martha was making ready for the great feast that would follow the meeting.

When Martha, jealous that she was working alone, spoke to Jesus about it, He pointed out that we each have what we have chosen. Martha chose to work on the party preparations while Mary chose to learn from the Master’s Words. He gently explained to Martha that we err when we choose busy preparations for social gatherings over deeply imbedding God’s word in our hearts and minds. The bottom line of His important lesson to her, and to us, was this: there is really only one thing that we should be so overly concerned about and that one thing is not party preparations. That one thing is to focus on learning what God wants to teach us.

It is good to make preparations for church and Christian group functions, to be sure. But let’s never supplant quiet time at Jesus’ feet and in His Word with such busy activities. They are never going to amount to as much as will the time at the Master’s feet.

Copyright Dan Elliott.  Email [email protected]