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By January 26, 2018Daily Devotionals

January 26, 2018

Prayer:  Oh Lord, we bow in gratefulness that You choose to forget.  Please show us where we need to make a better choice. Thank You. Amen.

Scripture: For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more. Jeremiah 31:34b NIV

Forgive and forget. What does that phrase mean to you? Is it an impossible request? Is it an unknown phenomenon? Is it a blessed experience that is overwhelming to receive? Have you ever received this blessing? I pray that all of you answered “yes” to the last question. When it comes to God, He forgives and then forgets the sin ever happened. I know this is a very hard concept to understand or even believe. So many times throughout our earthly life we might be forgiven by someone, (maybe) but they never forget. How many of you are hurt by the reminder of a past mistake or poor choice that someone claims to have forgiven; yet they bring it up every chance they get. You don’t feel forgiven do you? The sad thing is that many of these people are Christians, ambassadors for Christ, but their representation is off by a mile. Forgiveness is one of the most, if not the most difficult things for us to understand. As I travel and meet so many people, it seems the number one unresolved issue is “How can God forgive me.” “I don’t deserve it,” “My sin is too big, too bad.” Realizing we don’t deserve it is a good first step, but Christ’s blood made it possible. Our God is bigger than any sin, and He is not only capable but eagerly waiting the opportunity to forgive and forget.

How is your memory? Are you good at forgetting? Do your students, friends, and family know that all that is forgiven is also forgotten? How can you express this to them? My son got in trouble one day last year and went to seek forgiveness. His teacher granted the forgiveness and then told him that he probably thought she would always remember his mistake. She said that she had too many important things to remember, so his blunder was gone! It was as if it never happened. I am sure you have many important things to remember too. Let the forgiven sins of your past and others be forever forgotten.

Copyright Kathy Branzell.  Email [email protected]