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By February 20, 2018Daily Devotionals

February 20, 2018

Prayer: I rejoice in this day that You have made.  Please use me today to bless others.  Amen.

Scripture: God has reserved a priceless inheritance for his children. It is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay. (1 Peter 1:4NLT). 

Welcome to a new day of walking with Jesus!

As the days come and go, and I think of all the days I have walked with the Lord– and several that I have merely crawled or stumbled about, of course– I hear the cynics saying ‘where is the evidence of His coming? But I know enough to trust that, because God said the Lord would return to gather us to Himself, and then that the Lord would return WITH us and revive the world into His image that it will be done. I don’t have to understand when or how, just trust that it will happen according to God’s plan and timeline.

In the interim, He has things for me to do, people to be blessed, loved, encouraged, taught, nurtured, and discipled. He put each of us just exactly where we are now so that we would be able to permit His love to shine through us.

And the future?? It is secure– it is ‘kept in heaven’ for us. It is maintained ‘pure and undefiled.’ As you embrace today for His service, rejoice in all that He has already provided for you, some you have seen and most you have not yet seen– but trust it is there.

Copyright Dan Elliott.  Email [email protected]