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By February 13, 2018Daily Devotionals

February 13, 2018

Prayer: Pray that we will keep our eyes on the Lord.  His Word says He will guide us with His eye upon us.

Scripture: The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word the Lord had spoken to him: ‘Before the rooster crows today, you will disown Me three times.’ And he went outside and wept bitterly. Luke 22:61-62 NIV

The Kindergarten teacher had them trained. When she was giving important directives to her students, she would say, “And I mean…” to which they would respond, “BUSINESS!”  The corresponding “look” told them she was serious, and from then on, all she had to do to remind them of her orders was to give them the “look.” They could read her solemn warning, as well as her disappointment, merely by reading her face. After all, they were HER students, and she counted on them to not betray her confidence.

Even the apostle Peter needed to be reminded with the “look” that Jesus gave him, and in that moment, he remembered the warning and saw the disappointment in Jesus’ eyes. How often has the Lord instructed us about a serious matter that He has expected us to obey, only to be disappointed with our forgetful behavior and our betrayal of His confidence? Do we neglect in the first place to see that He means BUSINESS, and think, like Peter did, that he had the situation well in hand, not needing the reminder?

The Lord knows us so much better than we do, can see ahead the dangers and pitfalls to which we readily fall prey, and often speaks to us through His word concerning the matter. How much better to heed the warning than to have to deal with the “look” of disappointment that He gives us when we fail Him. What a joy instead to see His look of pleasure when we listen closely, heed His word, and take each matter seriously that He brings to our attention. Has He recently spoken a word to you, as His child, and in so many words said, “And I mean BUSINESS!”?

Copyright Shirley Wilson.  Email [email protected]