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By March 23, 2018Daily Devotionals

March 23, 2018

Prayer: Great and mighty God!!  May we always remember to bow before You and know how great is Your love and Your plan for us!!

Scripture: There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1 NASB

Shortly after the tan and rest from spring break wears off, right about state and national testing time, we start counting the days until summer vacation. It is not a reflection that we do not like our jobs or school. It is simply looking forward to a change in routine, and a chance to spend time with our families, get some things done around the house and possibly even get some rest.

With the anticipation of the last day of school, you know when it is going to arrive and you can mark each passing day off your calendar, counting the days remaining until vacation arrives. We have a family calendar. We write all of our schedules, appointments and travel on it. It is a reminder to do things, meet needs and deadlines.

But God does not operate by our calendar. His timetable may be much different than ours. We cannot see it, predict it, and especially not write things down on it for God to do. For example, I cannot write my next doctor’s appointment on God’s calendar with a reminder that says, “Heal Kathy before this date.” Bills come due but blessing you with great wealth may not be on God’s to-do list for the first of the month. We pray for things to happen a certain way by a certain time but God may have a better plan at an appointed time. His time!

Trust God to know best, and to be right on time.  My prayer for you today is that you would be able to trust God’s timetable and that your prayers would be timeless.

Copyright Kathy Branzell.  Email [email protected]