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PROMISE – 11/20/18

By November 20, 2018November 27th, 2018Daily Devotionals

November 20, 2018

Prayer:  Lord, please help us to keep our promises.  We want to be trustworthy, as You are trustworthy.

Scripture: “Lord, who may dwell in Your sacred tent? Who may live on Your holy mountain?…(He) who keeps an oath, even when it hurts, and does not change their mind…” Ps. 15: 1, 4b NIV

“You can put me down for 5:30. I’ll be there!” Mrs. Thompson spent time scheduling her yearly parent-teacher conferences, and this parent firmly promised. But when 5:30 came, even though Mrs. Thompson stayed well beyond her hours, the parent never showed up.

A permission slip came back, “Yes. My child, Tony, will be attending the chorus concert on May 15th.” But when the concert night came, Tony didn’t come. He had to attend a game instead.

The principal, before transferring for another school system, was asked to write a letter of recommendation for one of her teachers. Though she promised several times to comply, the teacher waited as months stretched out, and the recommendation never came.

Even Christian teachers and parents fall into the trap of doing only what is convenient at the moment. Of course emergency situations necessarily change plans, but most often, people simply lack commitment. As Christians, God calls us to be people of integrity.

Sometimes this means doing that which is neither easy nor convenient, or to our liking. Despite that, do we back our testimony of faith with a guileless life? Can others count on us, and do non-Christians around us know that what we promise we will do? This one matter will make or break our influence for Christ among many who observe us.

Copyright Shirley Wilson.  Email [email protected]