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By January 7, 2020January 28th, 2020Daily Devotionals

January 07, 2020

Prayer:  Please help us wait for instructions from You, Lord, so that we don’t run around aimlessly.

Scripture: When you bow down before the Lord and admit your dependence on Him, He will lift you up and give you honor. James 4:10NLT

Pride and arrogance are part of the fallen creatures that we are by nature. Humility is supernatural. Even those who ‘try’ to be humble end up serving their own needs and interests, if only to make others THINK they are humble by their appearances of service.

When Christ changes human nature, service flows naturally and openly. Concern for others ahead of ourselves is something we can not only hope for and choose to do, but we can receive the power from God’s Holy Spirit residing within us to make it so. The Lord wants to use you for ‘great things’ in His kingdom. And the greatest things are those which God has planned.

As we await His will patiently, as we trust the Lord implicitly, as we walk the paths responsibly that God places our feet upon, then true ‘greatness’ happens. And God has remade you and me– has remade us into His image, for true greatness. True greatness looks nothing like what the world thinks of as ‘great’ but, rather, looks a lot like the life of one called Jesus of Nazareth, Christ, the Son of God.
I pray your day is one filled with His presence and your actions are ones He has ordained for His glory.

Copyright Dan Elliott.  Email [email protected]