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BEING USED BY GOD – 05/12/2020

By May 12, 2020Daily Devotionals

May 12, 2020

Prayer: Lord, please use us during this time of crisis. Show us ways that we can be a witness for you.

Scripture: This will be your opportunity to serve as witnesses. Luke 21:13 ESV

Many Christian educators see their work as a calling from God. Each and every day we have the opportunity to impact the lives of others through words and actions. We find inspiration by pouring into the lives of our students, staff, and families. Now everything is different. Work looks different and relationships have changed.

As Christians, we wonder how we can make a difference while forced to be in isolation. How can we demonstrate love from the confines of our homes?  God used times of quarantine to inspire great learning and work. He also utilized times of isolation to lay foundations for His future movements. William Shakespeare wrote “King Lear” and “Macbeth” during times of isolation caused by the plague. During a similar time, Sir Isaac Newton developed calculus and discovered gravity.  The Apostle Paul, while in prison, wrote much of the New Testament.

God will use this setback as a setup for His glory in the future. In the meantime, we can follow his advice in scripture. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” Through following this example, we can serve as witnesses and hear from the Lord regarding ways that he wants to use us.

We start with rejoicing always. This can be done by taking our fear and uncertainty to the cross. We are reminded that the things of this world are not where our hope lies. We rejoice in the hope of an eternal future knowing that this life is a vapor in relation to the time we have in eternity. Remember God’s promises and encourage others with this good news.

Praying without ceasing is inviting God into our daily lives. We set our mind on Him and His truth. We seek His face throughout our day. Isaiah 26:3 stated, “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts you.” The peace that we have is an example for others.

It can be a challenge to give thanks in all circumstances. This is something that God can give you the ability to do. Paul found joy and blessing while in prison. This is a sweet time of slowing down. Keep a record of what you are thankful for and encourage others through sharing your gratitude in the midst of chaos.

Through time spent rejoicing, in prayer, and thanksgiving we will be a witness to others. Those close to us will notice something different about us. God will be able to use us in this season to lay foundations for both the present and future impact you will have in the lives of others.

Copyright: Heather Kohnen. Email – [email protected]


  • Mona Buchanan says:

    “God will use this setback as a setup for His glory in the future.” I love that! Thank you.

  • Toni says:

    Thank you, Heather, for pointing us in the direction to focus on the wonders God can work through and bring out of this period in our lives. May God continue to bless your labor in Him today!

  • Stephanie Frederick says:

    Great Biblical encouragement for the day! Thank you~

  • Laurie says:

    Many thanks Heather, for this uplifting and encouraging devotional! I know it will be just as encouraging and uplifting to the friends I share it with.
    God bless you and your family with His peace, joy, and protection in the days ahead,

  • Karen says:

    So encouraging Heather. Thank you.