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GIFT OF TIME – 05/08/2020

By May 8, 2020Daily Devotionals

May 08, 2020

Prayer: Thank you for the gift of time in the midst of uncertainty. We want to know you more and use this gift for your glory.

Scripture: “…Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before.” Daniel 6:10 NIV

I have always wished for more time. My life as an educator has made allocating this resource difficult. Teaching is one of those jobs that comes home with me and consumes much of my time. The result has been that time at home does not seem to be quality time when it comes to relationships with those important to me, including time with Jesus. Maybe you can relate.

Now we find ourselves with the gift of time. How will we use this time? How will we reconnect with our families? Most importantly, how will we reconnect with God? How can we be used by God during this time in history?

Daniel, the prophet, knew the value of time with the Lord. He lived during uncertain times of loss and fear. He made knowing God a priority and used this relationship as a source of strength and wisdom. “But the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.” (Daniel 11:32 NKJV) Daniel knew God. He had the daily habit of prayer and connection with the Lord. He knew God well and was able to carry out great exploits as a result. Daniel’s courage and faithfulness with his time and talents led to the entire empire of Babylon acknowledging his God.

Jesus wants to be known by us. There is no ceiling to the amount of knowledge that he is willing to share with us. There is no end to the love and peace that he wants to reveal to us. He wants to cultivate a relationship through prayer and time in the Word. He wants to show us how to navigate this space of uncertainty and he wants to use us in ways that will draw others to him just like he did with Daniel.

Jesus’ love language is quality time. Take time to relish in this gift of time with your Savior. You will find the peace and purpose to walk fully into what he has for you today and going forward.

Copyright by Heather Kohnen.  Email [email protected]

One Comment

  • Lisa Jackson says:

    Thank you Heather! This is a great word. Time spent in the presence of God is absolutely the best!