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KNOWING – 12/10/2020

By December 10, 2020Daily Devotionals

December 10, 2020

Prayer: Please help me to really look at and care about these students You have given to me.  Thank You, Lord.  Amen.

Scripture: … for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him. Matthew 6:8b NIV

I learned that very early in the school year I needed to set aside my lesson plan book and take a good long look at my students. I needed to get to know them, how they learned, their strengths and their weaknesses. Most importantly, I needed to learn what their needs were. So many times we may look at our curriculum, test material, state requirements, etc., but we forget to take a look at our students. I am not talking about determining academic placement, or picking out your pets and challenges. I mean really getting to know your students, their personalities, learning styles, interests, their family and most importantly, what their REAL needs are.

Most discipline and many academic problems stem from overlooked needs. Can you think of some examples? What do your students need? Positive attention, a kind word, a good night’s sleep, some fresh air, or do they just need to be smiled at? Do these things seem absurd to you? As an educator, do you know your student’s needs before they even ask? Are you prepared to meet those needs early and prevent discipline and academic problems? How do we observe needs in one another? How do each of us carry out the attribute of knowing someone’s needs in our daily environment (classroom, hallways, meetings, cafeteria, online, office, etc.)?

Copyright Kathy Branzell.  Email [email protected]