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ENDURANCE – 02/19/2021

By February 19, 2021Daily Devotionals

February 19, 2021

Prayer: Thank You for being with us today, O Lord. Please put the courage into our hearts that we need today.  Please show us how to give a lift to a fellow educator who is struggling. Thank You. Amen.

Scripture: Let this encourage God’s people to endure patiently every trial and persecution, for they are his saints who remain firm to the end in obedience to his commands and trust in Jesus. Revelation 14:12 TLB

We live in a country where we must pray for educators to have endurance. Endurance is defined as staying power, fortitude, and survival. We need educators, good educators, Christian educators, but the circumstances and environments in which we work and teach make it harder and harder each year to endure. This part of the school year calls for endurance even if we are blessed by working in a school with very few problems.

Christmas break is just a memory, spring break seems forever away and the upcoming March testing has many teachers climbing the walls. Cabin fever sets in for students and educators and we find ourselves in “survival mode” during these winter months. Endurance reveals the trueness and depth of our faith.

Many times we want to turn and run away when we are faced with suffering and hard times, when we know that victory is as close as we are to God. The more distance we put between God and ourselves, the further away we are from triumph. What are some things that make us want to run? What are some things we need to do to endure even the hardest times in our lives?  What part does our attitude play in endurance? How can each of us carry out the attribute of endurance in our daily environments (classroom, hallways, meetings, online, cafeteria, office, etc.)?

Copyright Kathy Branzell.  Email [email protected]