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Do you need refreshment from the Lord this Easter?

By April 2, 2021Featured, What's New

Happy Easter! What a great time to talk to your students about Jesus! Yes, you heard that right.

If you are a public school educator, part of your job is to ensure that students understand the meaning of holidays. While you cannot teach the meaning of Easter in a devotional manner, you can certainly ensure that your students understand why Christians celebrate Easter…and it’s not about a bunny.

My hope for you is that this Easter would be a time of renewal and “re-up” for you. It’s been over a year that we’ve carried the burden of COVID-19, but we don’t carry it alone. Just this past Saturday we piloted a new one-day experience for educators called AWAKE—and we did it in-person! One participant wrote to me afterwards, “I went from ‘I have to retire as soon as possible,’ to ‘maybe God’s not finished with me yet in this place.’ And that’s a good feeling, so thank you!” We all need some of that.

Do you need a little encouragement to re-engage with your whole heart in this sacred calling to impact the lives of kids? If so, I urge you to go spend some time with the Lord. Silence that “inner accuser” and let Him remind you how He sees you. Here’s a powerful resource called The Father’s Love Letter to help you. Ask the Holy Spirit to help the transforming truths of His word penetrate deep into your heart according to Romans 5:5.

Please know that we are praying for you. Next to mothers and fathers, you have one of the most important jobs in the world, and God sees you.

Finally, if you are looking for ways to expose your students to the great hope we have, here are amazing resources from Gateways to Better Education that will help you legally teach about Easter.

Continue to scroll down for more legal guidance.


David Schmus
Executive Director
Christian Educators Association International

Religious holidays like Easter are a great opportunity to learn about what we can do legally in our schools!

Read below an excerpt from “A Teacher’s Guide to Religion in the Public Schools” available as a download from our Resource Center.

How should I treat religious holidays in the classroom?

Teachers must be alert to the distinction between teaching about religious holidays, which is permissible, and celebrating religious holidays, which is not. Recognition of and information about holidays may focus on how and when they are celebrated, their origins, histories and generally agreed upon meanings. If the approach is objective and sensitive, neither promoting nor inhibiting religion, this study can foster understanding and mutual respect for differences in belief. Teachers may not use the study of religious holidays as an opportunity to proselytize or otherwise inject personal religious beliefs into the discussion.

The use of religious symbols, provided they are used only as examples of cultural or religious heritage, is permissible as a teaching aid or resource. Religious symbols may be displayed only on a temporary basis as part of the academic lesson being studied. Students may choose to create artwork with religious symbols, but teachers should not assign or suggest such creations.

The use of art, drama, music or literature with religious themes is permissible if it serves a sound educational goal in the curriculum. Such themes should be included on the basis of their academic or aesthetic value, not as a vehicle for promoting religious belief. For example, sacred music may be sung or played as part of the academic study of music. School concerts that present a variety of selections may include religious music. Concerts should avoid programs dominated by religious music, especially when these coincide with a particular religious holiday.

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