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By April 20, 2021Daily Devotionals

April 20, 2021

Prayer: Lord, let us be led by Your Spirit today so we will have true, deep, abiding peace…peace that others will notice in these jam-packed days. Thank You for shepherding us. Amen.

Scripture: The LORD is my shepherd; I have everything I need. He lets me rest in green meadows; He leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. Psalm 23:1-3 NLT 

Every day we hurry out of bed, through the shower, dress, and rush onto crowded freeways to fight congestion and madness as we get to our places of work. When we arrive, we may be frazzled, distracted, thinking about all the things we have to accomplish that day. Our minds may begin to perceive that we have power to actually make things happen.

Some of us are more wired that way than others, of course. But the truth is that you and I can do nothing of significance without God’s will being in place.

There are those enemies of God who think they can oppose His will, and sometimes it appears they can. But even they do not have that power; God is merely giving them more time. They are experiencing God’s grace. They will come to a day when they encounter God’s power, as will we, and the circumstances will not be as pleasant for them as it will be for those who seek God’s will in all things.

But back to us–Christ’s people–and the start of some frazzled days. Psalm 23 is the famous passage quoted for millennia that expresses the complete Lordship of Christ our God over us. When we adopt the place of sheep who need a shepherd to watch over them and protect them–even from their own foolishness–then we are in a correct spot. Then we can know that God will provide everything we need–truly need. Then we can know that God will give us rest because He will BE our rest. We can rest in Him, even as the frazzled day begins. Then we will know that our days–all of them–will include supernaturally peaceful streams. Then we know that our strength to carry on can be literally endless because God will be renewing it as we need. Enjoy this day and sense the green meadow and the peaceful stream.

Copyright Dan Elliott.  Email [email protected]