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DISTRACTED – 09-03-2021

By September 3, 2021Daily Devotionals

September 03, 2021

Prayer: Lord, help me to seek You and set aside what distracts me from hearing Your voice. Amen.

Scripture: “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” Lk. 10:41-42

Trisha was one of those children, always busy but attracted to the wrong things. On one visit to her classroom, I observed her moving from pencil sharpener to sink, to closet, back to her desk to play with her crayons and erasers. In the hallway one day I watched her stop to stare at a piece of fuzz on the carpet! In my class, she would have to sit next to me in the front of the room so that she could have a reasonable chance of paying attention.

Trisha usually kept quiet, yet her distractibility would keep everyone’s eyes on her! She seemed like such a happy child, but thoroughly happy with the wrong things. We can be like that too. Like me, have you sometimes sat down to meet with the Lord in the morning and before long found your mind on something else? Usually when I get distracted at such times, it is about something I need to remember to take to school, or an email I forgot to send, or worse yet, something I’m worrying about that takes my mind off from the right things.

Jesus wants us to sit at His feet and listen to Him. If we expect our students to listen to us, isn’t God justified in wanting us to listen to Him? Where will our strength and wisdom and love and patience and the rest of our needs come from if we neglect to focus on Him? He gives us the responsibility to guard our minds, to set our hearts on things above…to set our minds on things above, not on earthly things. Col. 3:1,2. How can we hope to hear His voice during the busy day ahead, if we have difficulty concentrating on His voice in the morning when we spend time alone with Him?

Copyright Shirley Wilson.  Email [email protected]