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Are you a “Nehemiah?”

By February 16, 2022SavED by Grace
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Are you a “Nehemiah?”

by Michelle Keso

I am reading the Biblical account of Nehemiah and reflecting on how God used the obedience of one person to impact so many. The wall and gates of Jerusalem were in shambles, and God chose Nehemiah to do something about it. Although Nehemiah lived comfortably in a palace, trusted by the king to protect him from poisonous food and drink, Nehemiah’s heart was burdened for the Jewish people living unprotected in Jerusalem, vulnerable to enemy attacks. As Nehemiah prayed for people, he could not shake the thought that God was prompting him to do more. Nehemiah sensed that his prayers needed to be followed with action.

I can relate to Nehemiah! I see a need, and my initial response is to pray. Sometimes praying for a person or situation is enough, and sometimes it is not. If my prayers require action, the Holy Spirit doesn’t leave me alone. Every change I have made in 30+ years of working in education started as a stirring in my spirit when God asked me to do something outside of my comfort zone. Is God stirring in your spirit that 2022 may be a year of action to bring needed change?

Nehemiah could have remained in his position and ignored his concerns for fellow Jews who returned to their homeland of Jerusalem after years of exile, but his awareness of their vulnerability and the continuous threats they endured, broke his heart. He was in a position to follow his prayers with action, and so he did. He asked the king if he could travel to Jerusalem and lead the effort to rebuild the walls and gates of Jerusalem. The king answered his request with a supportive, yes!

I wonder how many of us are currently in work situations that may be okay, but we are aware of colleagues that are unprotected, vulnerable to emotional exhaustion, and maybe even threats that could compromise their position or maybe their career? I am aware of many colleagues in this position, and that is why I am more passionate than ever to pray, asking God to lead me as he did Nehemiah. Specifically, I am asking these two questions. First, to whom can I offer a wall of protection  by introducing them to Christian Educators, and second, how is God asking me to support colleagues serving in the most vulnerable places?

Is God asking you to be a Nehemiah in 2022? Are you in a somewhat comfortable position, and you sense it is time to step out of your comfort zone and engage in the work of building a protective wall around your hurting and vulnerable colleagues? If so, I believe Nehemiah is an inspirational and practical example. Yes, he encountered challenges while he led the project of rebuilding the wall, but with God’s help, he overcame the enemy attacks, finished the wall, and offered much-needed protection for his friends.

Like Nehemiah, when we pray and listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and have the courage to obey, God will grant us success. If Nehemiah can do it, we can too!

Michelle Keso is a sixth-generation Christian, life-long educator, speaker, and prayer leader. Her passion is to encourage and equip the next generations to be guided by God’s Word and the Holy Spirit, living out their divine purpose personally and professionally.

Michelle has devoted her career to educating children, young adults, and colleagues. Her present and past roles include Adjunct Professor for the College of Education at Grand Canyon University, Educational Consultant, Curriculum Specialist, District Instructional Leader, Literacy Coach, and classroom teacher. She desires to prepare current and future teachers to develop solid instructional practices and inspire a passion for learning.

Michelle is the Arizona State Director for Christian Educators International Association (CEAI). This role allows her to share with educators throughout Arizona the many benefits and resources CEAI offers to encourage, inspire, and equip Christian educators.

Michelle has been married to Len for 35 years. They have two married children, Nathan & Larae, and a grandson on the way!


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  • June Hetzel says:

    Michelle, I needed your words, wisdom, and the model of Nehemiah today. Thank you. June

  • Mike Hicks says:

    Loved the piece. “Offering a wall of protection,” love that way of explaining whatever do.