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HEAR AND FOLLOW – 04-20-2022

By April 20, 2022Daily Devotionals

April 20, 2022

Prayer: Lord, our time is in Your hands in this profession. Direct us in the use of our time as we put our trust and faith in You first, not ourselves and those around us. Amen

Scripture: My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27 NIV

A junior high math teacher, Vilma Rivera, felt like she was drowning in the ocean of responsibility at her school: the constant quest and demands for her to do “More! More! More!” What she was being asked to do and what she was asking herself to do were truly impossible using the time and resources she was given. She was spending hour after hour beyond the school day preparing lessons, grading papers, tutoring, attending meetings, and completing paperwork. Her joy and love of teaching had both been drowned and she was in need of rescue and resuscitation. She was mentally and physically exhausted, totally drained. She was beginning to repress a lot of hidden anger. She was not physically exercising or giving her growing family at home and her church family the time they needed. She was often omitting her quiet time with God and was rarely attending church.

During this period of her life, while she was in prayer, the Lord spoke to her heart saying, “Work one hour beyond the school day and let the rest go. Watch what I will do.” At that point she was ready to try anything, so she began to obey that directive. She worked only one hour beyond the school day giving 100% to 110% effort while she was there, and then she let it go. Things weren’t perfect. Many things were left undone at school, yet she renewed her commitment to God, her family at home, the church, and the regular exercise she needed to stay healthy.

When she came back to work each day, she had much more energy and a more positive attitude. She was also much more productive. Joy and creativity, which had once been the trademark of her teaching style, returned like a flood. Although some things, mostly paperwork, were left undone, the quality of her lessons improved greatly. God always gave her the time to catch up on her paperwork later.

By doing less, she received more. By hearing and obeying the voice of Jesus, she was led from a professional desert into a much greener professional pasture.

Reflection: Who is the author of your time? Is it you, those around you, or the Lord?

Getting Real: Ask the Lord how He wants you to manage your time at school. Be still, listen, obey, and trust.

Copyright Don Clark.  To connect with the author, email [email protected]

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One Comment

  • Scott says:

    This is a ideal devotional for all teachers. All teachers experience times like these. “How can I do it all?” and came up with the same answer, “I can’t.” This school year I have been experiencing the same challenges. The times I’ve asked God to help me with these challenges He has always done so. This devotional is so spot on.
    Thanks for sharing it!