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By May 10, 2022Daily Devotionals

May 10, 2022

Prayer: Please help us today to have happy hearts and do whatever is necessary to serve our students. May our attitudes and words honor You, Oh Lord. Amen

Scripture: Don’t you know that the LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth? . . . No one can measure the depths of his understanding. Isaiah 40:28 NET

Sometimes we feel that people just don’t understand us. We start feeling sorry for ourselves and think we are all alone. We forget that our Creator, God, the Lord Jesus Christ knows all. Isaiah reminds us that God’s understanding about each one of us and everything else is enormously far beyond anything you or I could calculate or assess. This is where our Faith in God carries us through the difficult moments. When doubts assail us, we can simply pray and ask our loving Lord for more inner faith to chase the doubts away. God has promised to never leave us. He has promised us, who live in Him, an eternity with Him. He has promised that each day we live for Him we are changed increasingly into Christ’s image. He has promised many things and all because of the grace showered upon us through the Lord’s sacrifice on our behalf.

Let God chase away any doubts that might be knocking at your door today. Ask, and as Jesus promised, you will receive. This day can be one more day of joy as you commit your ways into His hands. Enjoy it.

Copyright Dan Elliott. To connect with the author, email [email protected]

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