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By May 2, 2022Daily Devotionals

May 2, 2022

Prayer: Dear Lord, please lead and guide me where You want me on our National Day of Prayer. I declare that I want to bring glory and honor and praise to You, Oh Lord. Amen

Scripture: Those who honor Me, I will honor. 1 Samuel 2:30b NIV

This Thursday is the National Day of Prayer (NDOP) in America. Please spend some time this week—and especially that day—praying for our country, its leaders, our military, our government, our families, and the Church. If possible, I encourage you to attend a NDOP gathering in your community or hold one at your school for your prayer group and any other educators who might want to attend.

How do we give or show honor? We can give honor by showing respect, or by giving credit and glory instead of taking it. We can make a sacrifice for God’s purpose or turn attention off of ourselves and towards Him. Sometimes that can be hard to do.

Our flesh loves a good “Atta-boy!”: a little credit for what we have done, maybe an award or recognition event. It is a remarkable day when you realize that you do NOTHING on your own accord. The worldly seek to make a name for themselves; we should seek to make the name of Christ known to all we meet.

While sharing God with some young people in my town, I met Daniel. Daniel believed that he was created by his parents, and his parents by their parents, not God. He believed that he was born with no purpose or destiny, but that he designed his own. He believed that through his own strength and wisdom he fulfilled his purpose and that he will be remembered by his family in all generations to come. I talked with him for a long time. How scary and burdensome to think it is all up to him. I left him with a lot to think about, an invitation to my church, and the Gospel of John.

I cannot imagine what it would feel like to believe that I had to come up with it all on my own or accomplish it all on my own. Imagine working alone every day for an eternal place in the world’s hall of fame. I know I am not able to go it alone. I know that I am blessed and I want to thank God and give Him credit and glory with every breath I take.

How can we give God honor today, this week, and every day?

Please do not let the NDOP be simply a day and then allow yourself to go back to the status quo on Friday. How do we sustain honor? How will you honor Him?

Copyright Kathy Branzell.  To connect with the author, email [email protected]

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