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YOU WORK WHERE? – 09-06-2022

By September 6, 2022Daily Devotionals

September 06, 2022

Prayer: Lord, I believe that I am working for You in my school and I thank You for this place to be Your witness. Amen

Scripture: My prayer is not that You take them out of the world but that You protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. John 17:15-16 NIV

“Why would you go into that den of iniquity? Public schools are Satan’s workplace!” I had visited the store enough times to recognize the owner’s loud voice. He was answering a customer’s sincere question, in an adamant and angry manner. This store owner’s reputation carried the marks of a good businessman. The Christian Book Store had doubled its size in just a few years, until it was the largest in the county. But that day, I left with not only my package, but a strange mixture of guilt and anger.

Although as a Christian I had taught in public school for 10 years by then, I knew very few other Christian teachers. Some church people I knew shared the same opinions that this man did. I was strangely moved to disagree, and from that day on, demonstrate a different philosophy. I can thank this sincerely wrong Christian for propelling my professional life in a direction it has taken for over 25 years. He influenced me to search the scriptures for God’s truth, and His will for me and for the other Christian teachers I know across America.

One pastor that I had earlier in my life had told me I was the church’s missionary in the public school. At the time I thought that was a pleasant spin on my job, but I hadn’t taken it seriously. Now I knew he was exactly correct, and I wanted to continue filling that role.

Yes, in the public schools, as in our society, we find influences of Satan and evil. But, I have also found kind, wise, compassionate people who tolerate my desire to live my faith, though they do not share it. I have touched the lives of thousands of people, who may never have bumped into a Christian unless I had worked in the public school. I had the ability to pray for my students, many of whom never had a prayer spoken for them. I had the ability to influence school policies, public meetings, and curriculum. I have worked beside non-Christian district and state leaders in education. No, I haven’t preached Christ to them, but BEING there has been a witness of Christ to others.

Copyright Shirley Wilson.  To connect with the author, email [email protected]

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  • Tom says:

    I learning more each day that we need to have others praying for is in our public schools. So I have a army of prayer warriors who I send requests every Monday, Wednesday,and Friday!

  • Dana Pitman says:

    Exactly, and if we leave public education…… the Holy Spirit inside of us leaves too. I had a pastor tell me recently “there will be a day soon when christians will have to leave public education”. My response is, “I can’t do that, Pulbic Education IS my ministry”.

    Please put me in contact with the OKLAHOMA leader of CEAI.

  • Amy Games says:

    Thank you so much for this devotional! Although I helped start a Christian school in our area, I continue to serve in a public school for this very reason. I see my work as missional. All the reasons you shared are the reasons I stay. It would be so much more enjoyable and easier in a lot of ways for me to work in a Christian school. And while, obviously, I see the value in that setting, I also know in my heart that I am fulfilling a different purpose by working in a public elementary school. Thank you for reminding me why I stay!

  • SHannon Anderson says:

    Amen! 29 Year Veteran Dallas Independent School District

  • Diana+Anderson says:

    Spunky! Good for you to stick to your calling. Although I am called to Christian education, I did half of my student teaching in 2017 at the largest high school in my state and it was a blessing to me.

  • Angela B says:

    Very good and very encouraging.